kjv bible with pronunciation guide

(h7307) - ROO-akh (listen)] * [ Rufus - Ru'fus - Mark 15:21 (g4504) - ROO-fuhs] * [ Ruhamah] * [ (compare Lo-ruhamah) - ("O woman shown mercy!" ROHTH] * [ wrought - wrought - Ezekiel 27:19 (h6219) - RAWT] * [ Wulfila*] * [ (aka Ulfilas) - - w94 5/15 8 - WOOL-fuh-luh] * [ Wycliffe* (sometimes Wyclif) - - it "Apocrypha" - WIK-lif] *. teer-HAW-kaw (listen)] * [ Tirshatha] * [ (Athersatha, governor in some Bibles) - Tirsha'tha - Nehemiah 8:9 (h8660) - tihr-SHAY-thah, tuhr-SHAY-thuh] * [ Tischendorf, Lobegott Friedrich Konstantin von* - - w97 10/15 11 - TISH-uhn-dorf, -dawrf, LOH-buh-got FREE-drikh KON-stahn-teen fuhn] * [ Tishri*] * [ (aka Ethanim) - - it "Calendar" - TISH-ree, -ray (listen)] * [ Titius Justus] * [ (Titius omitted in some Bibles) - Titius Justus - Acts 18:7 (Justus: g2459) - tish'ee-uhs JUHS-tuhs, tish'uhs JUHS-tuhs] * [ Titan* - - g98 10/22 18 - TI T-uhn, not TI -tan'] * [ tittle] * [ (part / stroke of a letter in some Bibles; compare iota) - ("particle of a letter" in NW) - Matthew 5:18 AS, Da, DRB, KJ, Yg (g2762) - TIT-uhl] * [ Titus - Titus (Bible book), it Ti'tus - Titus 1:4 (g5103) - TI -tuhs] * [ Tobijah - Tobi'jah - Zechariah 6:14 (h2900) - toh-BI -juh] * [ Tobit* - - it "Apocrypha"; w94 4/1 29 - TOH-bit] * [ Tocqueville, Alexis de* - - dp 270 - al-lek-sees duh tawk-VEEL, tohk-VEEL, TOHK-vil (listen)] * [ tomb - tomb - Mark 6:29 (g3419) - TOOM (silent "b")] * [ topaz - topaz - Job 28:19 (h6357) - TOH-paz] * [ Topheth - To'pheth - 2 Kings 23:10 (h8612) - TOH-fith, TOH-feth] * [ Trajan* - - it "Rome" - TRAY-juhn] * [ Trachonitis - Trachoni'tis - Luke 3:1 (g5139) - trak'uh-NI -tis, trak'oh-NI -tis] * [ Transfiguration* - - it "Transfiguration" - trans'FIG-yuh-RAY-shuhn] * [ translation] * [ (interpretation in some Bibles) - translation - Hebrews 7:2 (g2059) - tran(t)s-LAY-shun, tranz-, not tran-suh-LAY-shun] * [ transliterate*; transliteration* - - g99 12/8 14; w01 5/15 11 - tran(t)s-LIH-tuh-rayt', tranz-; tran(t)s(')-lih'tuh-RAY-shuhn, tranz(')-] * [ transubstantiation* - - it "Lord's Evening Meal" - tran(t)'suhb-stan(t)'shee-AY-shun (listen)] * [ treatise] * [ (account, book, narrative, report in some Bibles) - ("account" in NW) - Acts 1:1 AS, DRB KJ (g3056) - TREE-tuhs, -tuhz] * [ trenchant] * [ (convincing, forcible, powerful, telling in some Bibles) - ("O not painful!" Digraph --Two or more letters that blend to make one sound, such as th, sh, ch or the ea in bread. Along with our online pronunciation guide, BibleSpeak also provides links to some of the best resources for Bible study available today. Naaman NAY-uh-muhn , Naboth NAY-buhth , Nahor NAY-kawr , Nahshon NAY-shuhn , Nahum NAY-huhm , Naim NAY-ihm , Naomi NAY-o-mai , Naphtali NAF-tuh-lai , Nathan NAY-thuhn , Nathanael nuh-THAN-ay-ehl , Nazareth NAZ-uh-rehth , Nazorean naz-aw-REE-uhn , Neapolis nee-AP-o-lihs , Nebat NEE-bat , Nebo NEE-bo , Nebuchadnezzar neh-byoo-kuhd-NEHZ-er , Nebuzaradan neh-byoo-zahr-AY-dan , Negeb NEH-gehb , Nehemiah nee-hee-MAI-uh , Nehushta nee-HUHSH-tuh , Ner ner , Nereus NEE-roos , Neri NEE-rai , Nether NETH-er , Nicanor nai-KAY-nawr , Nicodemus nih-ko-DEE-muhs , Nicolaus nih-ko-LAY-us , Niger NAI-dzher , Nimshi NIHM-shai , Nineveh NIHN-eh-veh , Ninevites NIHN-eh-vaits , Nisan NAI-san , Noah NO-uh , Nun NAI-san. Examples: dog (1 syllable) mo ney (2 syllable) a part ment (3 syllables) In words with more than one syllable, one of those syllables will be said louder and longer than the others. Sign up for the Bible Blender newsletter and receive the latest on science and tech news, new product notifications, exclusive features, and more. Probably the most difficult digraph is th. This is available on every Bible name page and shows the phonetic pronunciation of every word. pageTracker._trackPageview(); appointment with Dr. Brown OH-mer] * [ omnificent* - - - om-NIF-uh-suhnt] * [ omnipotence - ("power" in NW) - Matthew 26:64 We (g1411) - om-NIP-uh-tuhns, ahm-NIH-puh-tuhn(t)s] * [ omnipotent - ("Almighty" in NW and many other Bibles) - Revelation 19:6 KJ (g3841) - om-NIP-uh-tuhnt, ahm-NIH-puh-tuhnt] * [ omnipresence* - - - ahm'nih-PREHZ-uhn(t)s] * [ omnipresent* - - w93 10/1 13 - om'nuh-PREH-zuhnt, ahm'nih-PREHZ-uhnt] * [ omniscience* - - w86 5/15 4 - om-NISH-uhns, ahm-NIH-shuhn(t)s] * [ omniscient* - - g00 8/22 11 - om-NISH-uhnt, ahm-NIH-shuhnt] * [ Omri - Om'ri - 1 Kings 16:16 (h6018) - OM-ri , not OM-ree] * [ Onan - O'nan - Genesis 38:4 (h209) - OH-nuhn, OH-nan] * [ Onesimus - Ones'imus - Colossians 4:9 (g3682) - oh-NES-uh-muhs] * [ Onesiphorus - Onesiph'orus - 2 Timothy 1:16 (g3683) - on'uh-SIF-uh-ruhs] * [ Onias* - - w98 11/15 22 - oh-NI -uhs] * [ onomastica* - - - on'uh-MAS-tuh-kuh] * [ Onomasticon*] * [ (by Eusebius) - - it "Eglaim" - on'uh-MAS-tuh-kon] * [ onomatopoeia* - - Genesis 17:19 ftn. function ml(id) Then have readers say I hope this page helps provide the solution to "How do I pronounce it? EphesiansChapter 1. New transgender policy for public schools empathizes with those with gender dysphoria while being steadfast in opposing gender ideology. French Alphabet Cards (with pronunciation guide!) NW - DAM-uhn] * [ Damaris - Dam'aris - Acts 17:34 (g1152) - DAM-uh-ris] * [ Damascene; Damascenes - Damascene'; Damascenes' - Amos 3:12 (h1833); 2 Corinthians 11:32 (g1153) - dam'uh-SEEN, DAM-uh-seen'] * [ Damascus - Damascus, it Damas'cus - Genesis 14:15 (h1834); 2 Corinthians 11:32 (g1154) - duh-MAS-kuhs] * [ Daniel - Daniel (Bible book) - Ezekiel 14:14 (h1840) - DAN-yuhl] * [ Dardenelles* - - dp 155 - dahr'duhn-ELZ] * [ daric* - - it "Daric" - DAR-ik] * [ Darius - Dari'us - Ezra 4:5 (h1867) - duh-RI -uhs, not DAIR-ee-uhs] * [ darnel] * [ (cockle, darnel weeds, tares, weed seeds in some Bibles) - ("weeds" in NW) - Matthew 13:25 Da, Yg (g2215) - DAR-nuhl, not dar-NEL] * [ Dathan - Da'than - Numbers 16:1 (h1885) - DAY-thuhn] * [ debauchery - debauchery - 1 Peter 4:4 (g810) - dih-BAW-chuh-ree, -chree, -BAH-] * [ Debir - De'bir - Joshua 21:15 (h1688) - DEE-buhr] * [ Deborah - Deb'orah - Genesis 35:8 (h1683) - DEB-uh-ruh, also DEB-uhr-uh, DEB-ruh] * [ debris - debris - Amos 6:11 (h1233) - duh-BREE, day-BREE, DAY-bree', esp. How to Pronounce King James Bible. Diphthong --A vowel sound that glides from one sound to another, such Bible beble, bibul, bybul, babul, bebul, bable, babel, bebel, bibre, bybre, bibel, bybel, biber, byber, bible, byble, b1b1e, b1ble, bilbe, bbile, ibble Bible pronunciation,Bible pronunciation, pernunciatiom, pronuniation, prnunciashun, prouncaishun, prunciashon, pernuncaitiom, pronuncation, prnuncaishun, prounciashon, pruncaishon, pornunciatiom, pronuncition, prnunciashon, prouncaishon, prunciasion, pornuncaitiom, pronunciaion, prnuncaishon, prounciasion, pruncaision, prunciation, prunciatiom, pronunciatin, prnunciasion, prouncaision, prounciation, pruncaition, pruncaitiom, pronunciatiom, prnuncaision, prnunciation, prouncaition, prunciaton, prounciatiom, pronuncaitiom, ponunciation, prnuncaition, prounciaton, pruncaiton, prouncaitiom, plonunciatiom, pronnciation, prnunciaton, prouncaiton, prunciashun, prnunciatiom, plonuncaitiom, pronuciation, prnuncaiton, prounciashun, pruncaishun, prnuncaitiom, pernunciaton, plonuncaition, pernuncaision, pornunciashun, pernuncaiton, plonunciaton, pronuncaition, pornunciasion, pornuncaishun, pernunciashun, plonuncaiton, pronunciaton, pornuncaision, pornunciashon, pernuncaishun, plonunciashun, pronuncaiton, pornuncaishon, pernunciashon, plonuncaishun, pronunciashun, pronunciasion, pernuncaishon, plonunciashon, pronuncaishun, pronuncaision, pornunciation, plonuncaishon, pronunciashon, plonunciasion, pornuncaition, pernunciation, pronuncaishon, plonuncaision, pornunciaton, pernuncaition, plonunciation, pernunciasion, pornuncaiton, pronunc1at1on, promunciation, pronunciatino, pronunciatoin, pronunciaiton, pronuncitaion, pronunication, pronucniation seaking, speaing, speaking, speakng, speakig, spiqueing, spiqueint, spakeignt, speekeynt, spiakint, spiqueiegng, spekeignt, spiakeynt, speakeyng, speakiegnt, speekeignt, speakeigng, spakeyng, spakiegnt, spiakeignt, spakeigng, spekeyng, spekiegnt, spiqueeignt, spekeigng, speekeyng, speekiegnt, speakiegng, speekeigng, spiakeyng, spiakiegnt, spakiegng, spiakeigng, speakeynt, spiqueiegnt, spekiegng, spiqueeigng, spakeynt, speekiegng, speakeignt, spekeynt, spiaking, spiakiegng, spekint, speekint, spaking, speking, speeking, speakint, spakint, peakng, peaking, peakig, peaing, peekeigng, pekeynt, piakiegnt, pakiegng, piakeigng, peekeynt, piqueiegnt, pekiegng, piqueeigng, piqueing, piakeynt, peakeyng. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce W words in the Bible: [ wadi*; Wadi] * [ (brook, river, stream, torrent in some Bibles) - ("torrent valley" in NW) - Genesis 32:23 ftn. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce Z words in the Bible: [ Zaanan - Za'anan - Micah 1:11 (h6630) - ZAY-uh-nan'] * [ Zaanannim - Zaanan'nim - Joshua 19:33 (h6815) - zay-uh-NA-nim, zah'uh-NAN-nuhm] * [ Zabdi - Zab'di - Joshua 7:1 (h2067) - ZAB-di, not ZAB-dee] * [ Zacchaeus - Zacchae'us - Luke 19:2 (g2195) - za-KEE-uhs, not -KAY-] * [ Zachariah - ("Zechariah" in NW) - 2 Kings 14:29 Kj (h2148) - zak'uh-RI -uh] * [ Zadok - Za'dok - 2 Samuel 15:24 (h6659) - ZAY-dok] * [ Zagros*] * [ (Mountains) - - it "Persia, Persians" - ZAG-ruhs, ZA-grohs] * [ Zalmunna - Zalmun'na - Judges 8:5 - zal-MUHN-uh] * [ Zaphenath-paneah] * [ (aka Joseph)] * [ (Zaphnath-paaneah in some Bibles) - Zaph'enath-pane'ah - Genesis 41:45 (h6847) - zaf'uh-nath-puh-NEE-uh] * [ Zara - ("Zerah" in NW) - Matthew 1:3 Da, DRB, KJ (g2196) - ZAIR-uh] * [ Zarathustra*] * [ (aka Zoroaster) - - - zar'uh-THOO-struh (listen)] * [ Zarephath - Zar'ephath - 1 Kings 17:9 (h6886) - ZAIR-uh-fath, ZER-uh-fath] * [ Zarethan] * [ (Zaretan in some Bibles) - Zar'ethan - Joshua 3:16 (h6891) - ZAIR-uh-than, ZER-uh-than] * [ zayin] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Za'yin - Psalm 119:49 (verse heading) - ZAH-yin, -yuhn, ZI (-UH)N] * [ zealous - zealous - Joel 2:18 (h7065); Titus 2:14 (g2207) - ZEL-uhs (listen), not ZEL-ee-uhs, not ZEL-yuhs] * [ Zebah - Ze'bah - Judges 8:5 - ZEE-bah, ZEE-buh] * [ Zebedee - Zeb'edee - Matthew 4:21 (g2199) - ZEB-uh-dee, ZEB-ih-dee] * [ Zeboim - Zebo'im - 1 Samuel 13:18 (h6650) - zuh-BOH-im] * [ Zebulun - Zeb'ulun - Genesis 30:20 (h2074) - ZEB-yuh-luhn, ZEB-yoo-luhn] * [ Zechariah - Zechari'ah (persons' names and Bible book) - Zechariah 1:1 (h2148); Luke 1:5 (g2197) - zek'uh-RI -uh, zek'uh-RI -ah] * [ Zedekiah - Zedeki'ah - 2 Kings 24:17 (h6667) - zed'uh-KI -uh, zed'uh-KI -ah] * [ Zeeb - Ze'eb - Judges 8:3 - ZEE-uhb] * [ Zelophehad - Zelo'phehad - Numbers 26:33 (h6765) - zuh-LOH-fuh-had, not -LAH-] * [ Zenas - Ze'nas - Titus 3:13 (g2211) - ZEE-nuhs] * [ Zenobia* - - dp 252 - zuh-NOH-bee-uh, zih-] * [ Zephaniah - Zephani'ah (persons' names and Bible book) - Zephaniah 1:1 (6846) - zef'uh-NI -uh, zef'uh-NI -ah] * [ Zerah] * [ (Zara in some Bibles) - Ze'rah - 2 Chronicles 14:9 (h2226); Matthew 1:3 (g2196) - ZEE-rah, ZIHR-uh] * [ Zereth-shahar - Ze'reth-sha'har - Joshua 13:19 (h6890) - zee'rith-SHAY-hahr] * [ Zerubbabel - Zerub'babel - Zechariah 4:6 (h2216) - zee-RUB-uh-buhl, zuh-RUHB-uh-buhl] * [ Zeruiah - Zeru'iah - 2 Samuel 2:18 (h6870) - zuh-ROO-yuh, zuh-ROO-i -ah] * [ zeugma* - - Exodus 20:18 ftn. We make the sound of consonants by using our lips or tongues to stop for "helper") - John 14:26 ftn. [ Xanthicus* - - Exodus 12:40 ftn. Achaemenids) - - it "Darius" - uh-KEE-muh-nid, uh-KEM-uh-nid; pl. Kibrothhattaavah (kib-roth-huh-TAY-uh-vuh), Mahar-shalal-hash-baz (MAY-huhr-SHAL-al-hash-baz), Shaveh Kirlathaim (SHAY-veh kee-RIE-a-them). - ah'nuh-mah'tuh-PEE-uh] * [ ontology* - - w63 1/15 56 - ahn-TAH-luh-jee] * [ onycha - onycha, it on'ycha - Exodus 30:34 (h7827) - ON-ih-kuh] * [ onyx - onyx - Genesis 2:12 (h7718) - AH-niks, ON-iks] * [ Ophel] * [ (fortresses, forts, hill, mounds in some Bibles) - O'phel - Isaiah 32:14 (h6076) - OH-fel] * [ Ophir - O'phir - 1 Kings 10:11 (h211) - OH-fuhr, OH-fihr] * [ Ophrah] * [ (Ephra in DRB, Vulgate) - Oph'rah - Judges 6:24 (h6084) - OF-ruh, AWF-rah] * [ oracle] * [ (holiness, holy place, holy temple, inner room, inner sanctum, Most Holy Place, Temple in some Bibles) - ("innermost room" in NW) - Psalms 28:2 AS, KJ (h1687) - OR-uh-kuhl, AHR-] * [ oracular* - - it "Christian" - or-AK-yuh-luhr, uh-] * [ Origen* - - it "Canon" - OR-uh-juhn, AHR-] * [ Orion] * [ (Kesil in some Bibles) - ("Kesil" in NW) - Job 9:9 AS, DRB, KJ (h3685) - oh-RI -uhn] * [ Ornan] * [ (aka Araunah) - Or'nan - 1 Chronicles 21:18 (h771) - OR-nan, OR-nuhn] * [ Orontes* - - it "Lebanon" - or-ON-teez] * [ Orpah - Or'pah - Ruth 1:4 (h6204) - OR-puh, not OHP-ruh] * [ orthodox*; orthodoxy* - - w93 7/1 10 - OR-thuh-doks, -dahks'; -dok'see] * [ oryx] * [ (antelope, wild goat, wild ox in some Bibles) - ("wild sheep" in NW) - Deuteronomy 14:5 Da (h8377) - OHR-iks, AWR-, AHR-] * [ Osee - ("Hosea" in NW) - Hosea 1:1 DRB (h1954) - OH-see] * [ Osiris* - - it "Gods and Goddesses" - oh-SI -ruhs] * [ ossifrage] * [ (black vulture, gier-eagle, griffon, vulture in some Bibles) - ("osprey" in NW) - Leviticus 11:13 KJ, Yg (h6538) - OS-uh-frij, AH-suh-frij, AH-suh-frayj'] * [ ossuary* - - w97 6/15 13 - OSH-oo-er'ee, OS-yoo-ER-ee, AH-shuh-wer'ee, -syuh-, -suh-] * [ ostracism] * [ (trouble in some Bibles) - ostracism - Genesis 34:30 (h5916) - OS-truh-siz'uhm, AHS-] * [ ostracon*] * [ (pl. el.y = startY; - tet'ruh-GRAM-uh-ton (listen)] * [ tetrarch] * [ (king, regional ruler, ruler, ruler of the quadrant, Tetrarch, Tetrarche in some Bibles) - ("district ruler" in NW) - Matthew 14:1 KJ (g5076) - TET-rahrk] * [ Teutonic* - - it "Ashkenaz" - too-TAH-nik (listen)] * [ Textus Receptus* - - w95 4/15 11 - tek'stuhs-rih-SEP-tuhs, teks'tuhs-] * [ Thaddaeus] * [ (also Thaddeus) - Thaddae'us - Matthew 10:3 (g2280) - tha-DEE-uhs] * [ Thapsus* - - w64 3/15 184 - THAP-suhs] * [ Thebes] * [ (aka No) - - it "No, No-amon" - THEEBZ] * [ Thebez - The'bez - Judges 9:54 (h8405) - THEE-behz, THEE-biz] * [ thee - ("you" in NW) - Luke 23:43 KJ (g4671) - THEE] * [ Themistocles* - - it "Persia, Persians"; dp 197 - thuh-MIS-tuh-kleez(')] * [ theocracy* - - it "Israel 2" - thee-OK-ruh-see] * [ theocratic* - - it "Ecclesiastes" - thee'uh-KRAT-ik] * [ theodicy* - - g87 10/8 4 - thee-OD-uh-see] * [ Theodotion* - - it "Versions" - thee'uh-DOH-shuhn] * [ Theodotus* - - it "Greece, Greeks (Hellenists)" - thee-AH-duh-tuhs] * [ theogony* - - sh 42 - thee-AH-guh-nee] * [ theological* - - w97 5/1 4 - thee'uh-LOJ-ih-kuhl] * [ theology* - - it "Greece, Greeks" - thee-OL-uh-jee] * [ theophanic*; theophany* - - - thee'uh-FA-nik; thee-AH-fuh-nee] * [ Theophilus - Theoph'ilus - Luke 1:3 (g2321) - thee-OF-uh-luhs] * [ Theophrastus* - - g97 4/8 5 - thee'uh-FRAS-tuhs] * [ Thermopylae* - - dp 213 - thur'MAH-puh-lee', thuhr-MOP-uh-lee'] * [ Thessalonians - Thessalo'nians (Bible books) - Acts 20:4 (g2331) - thes'uh-LOH-nee-uhnz] * [ Thessalonica - Thessaloni'ca - Acts 17:1 (g2332) - thes'uh-luh-NI -kuh, thes'uh-loh-NI -kah] * [ Theudas - Theu'das - Acts 5:36 (g2333) - THOO-duhs, THYOO-duhs] * [ thine] * [ (yours in some Bibles) - - John 17:6 AS, KJ (g4674) - THI N] * [ thitherward - ("in that direction" in NW) - Jeremiah 50:5 AS, Da, KJ (h2008) - THIH-thuhr-wuhrd, THIH-] * [ Thomas - Thomas, it Thom'as - Matthew 10:3 (g2381) - TOM-uhs] * [ Thrace* - - dp 162 - thrays] * [ Thracian* - - dp 155 - THRAY-shuhn] * [ Thucydides* - - it "Persia, Persians" - th(y)oo-SIH-duh-deez'] * [ Thummim] * [ (Urim and Thummim) - Thum'mim - Exodus 28:30 (h8550) - THUM-im, THUH-muhm (listen), THUH-mihm'] * [ Thutmose* - - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - THUT-mohz, THYOOT-mohs, thoot-MOH-suh (listen)] * [ Thyatira] * [ (modern Akhisar) - Thyati'ra - Revelation 1:11 (g2363) - thi 'uh-TI -rah, -ruh] * [ thyine (wood) - ("scented" [wood] in NW) - AS, DRB, KJ, Yg (g2367) - THI -in] * [ Tiamat* - - it "Creation" - tee-AH-maht, TYAH-maht, TEE-ah-maht' (listen)] * [ Tiberias] * [ (compare Tiberius) - Tibe'rias - John 6:1 (g5085) - ti -BIHR-ee-uhs] * [ Tiberius] * [ (compare Tiberias) - Tibe'rius - Luke 3:1 (g5086) - ti -BIHR-ee-uhs] * [ Tibni - Tib'ni - 1 Kings 16:21 (h8402) - TIB-ni, not TIB-nee] * [ Tidal - Ti'dal - Genesis 14:1 (h8413) - TI -dawl, TI -duhl] * [ Tiglath-pileser] * [ (compare Tilgath-pilneser) - Tig'lath-pile'ser - 2 King 15:29 (h8407) - tig'lath-puh-LEE-zuhr, -pih-LEE-zuhr] * [ Tigris] * [ (aka Hiddekel) - ("Hiddekel" in NW) - Genesis 2:14 BE, DRB, GW, LITV, MKJV (h2313) - TI -gris] * [ Tilgath-pilneser (compare Tiglath-pileser) - Til'gath-pilne'ser - 1 Chronicles 5:6 (h8407) - til'gath-pil-NEE-zuhr] * [ Timaeus - Mark 10:46 - Timae'us - tuh-MEE-uhs, ti -MEE-uhs] * [ timbrel] * [ (instruments of brass, tambour, tambourine, timbrell in some Bibles) - ("tambourine" in NW) - Psalm 150:4 AS, DRB, KJ (h8596) - TIM-bruhl] * [ Timon - Ti'mon - Acts 6:5 (g5096) - TI -muhn] * [ Timothy - Timothy (Bible books), it Tim'othy - 1 Timothy 1:2 (g5095) - TIM-uh-thee, -oh-] * [ Tiphsah - Tiph'sah - 1 Kings 4:24 (h8607) - TIF-suh] * [ Tirhakah] * [ (see Taharqa) - Tirha'kah - 2 Kings 19:9 (h8640) - tuhr-HAY-kuh, -kah, teer-HAY-kah, Heb. Click the PLAY button below to hear how to pronounce Abiud . Bad Biblical pronunciation of words may confuse people even if you have advanced Bible understanding. Burleson, TX 76028. Intonation is like the music of the language. ko'smos) - it "World" - KAHZ-muhs, -mohs', -mahs', KOZ-muhs, -mohs] * [ Kyrie Eleison* - - w72 1/15 63 - KIR-ee-ay' uh-LAY-(uh-)sahn', -(uh-)san] * [ kyrios* - (Gr. A lot of meaning is carried by intonation. Bible readers must learn to recognize the As I have tried to show here, the scope of bible pronunciation is much broader than an inventory and description of sounds. (Matthew 22:41 22:46). - EK-see HOH-moh, EK-ay] * [ ecclesia*; ekklesia* - - Ecclesiastes 1:1 ftn. The pronunciation is a great learning tool for me and my children. if (verticalpos=="fromtop") Heb. correct intonation to communicate their intended meaning. First of all, what is bible pronunciation? ftlObj = ml("divStayTopLeft"); The Blue Letter Bible hosts a range of study materials designed to aid your research into the meaning and purpose of the Scriptures. - his-TAS-pis] *. with Dr. Brown, with Dr. Brown, with Dr. Brown The King James Version present on the Bible Gateway matches the 1987 printing. Availability: In Stock Stock No: WW116334X Add To Cart Add To Wishlist KJV Economy New Testament and Psalms, Softcover (h3875) - pair-AHK-lay-tos (listen)] * [ Paran - Pa'ran - Numbers 10:12 (h6290) - PAY-ruhn, PAY-ran] * [ Parmenas - Par'menas - Acts 6:5 (g3937) - PAHR-muh-nuhs, PAHR-mee-nuhs] * [ Parousia* - parousi'a - it "Presence" (g3952) - pahr-oo-SEE-uh (listen), also puh-ROO-z(h)ee-uh, Gr. We dont say dog; we say DAW ug (but there is not break in the vowel sound.) [ fain - - Job 27:22 ASV, Da, KJ (h1272); Luke 15:16 ASV, DRB, KJ (g1937) - FAYN] * [ fallacious - fallacious - Jeremiah 7:4 (h8267) - fuh-LAY-shuhs] * [ farthing] * [ (assar, assarion, copper coin, halfpenny, penny in some Bibles) - ("coin of small value" in NW) - Matthew 10:29 DRB, KJ (g787) - FAHR-thing] * [ Faunus* - - g82 1/22 12 - FAW-nuhs, FAH-nuhs] * [ feign - - 1 Kings 14:5 KJ (h5234); Luke 20:20 KJ (g5271) - FAYN] * [ Felix - Felix, it Fe'lix - Acts 24:24 (g5344) - FEE-liks] * [ felloe - felloes - 1 Kings 7:33 (h2839) - FEL-oh(')] * [ Festus, Porcius - Porcius Festus, it Fes'tus - Acts 24:27 (g4201 + g5347) - FES-tuhs, POR-shuhs] * [ fillet] * [ (bands, connecting-rods, filets in some Bibles) - ("joints" in NW) - Exodus 38:10 AS, KJ, Yg (h2838) - FIH-luht, also fih-LAY, FIH-lay(')] * [ firkin] * [ (gallons, measures in some Bibles) - ("liquid measures" in NW) - John 2:6 AS, KJ (g3355) - FUHR-kuhn] * [ flagon] * [ (cake in most Bibles) - ("cake" in NW) - 1 Chronicles 16:3 KJ (h809) - FLAG-uhn] * [ Flavius* - - it "Christian" - FLAY-vee-uhs] * [ flea - flea - 1 Samuel 24:14 (h6550) - FLEE] * [ fledgling] * [ (young in most Bibles) - fledglings - Deuteronomy 32:11 (h1469) - FLEJ-ling] * [ fleshly] * [ (compare fleshy) - fleshly - Galatians 5:16 (g4561) - FLESH-lee] * [ fleshy] * [ (compare fleshly) - fleshy - Revelation 17:16 (g4561) - FLESH-ee] * [ foreordination* - - it "Foreknowledge, Foreordination" - fawr'awr-dn-AY-shuhn, for'-, fohr'awr-duhn-AY-shuhn] * [ fornication - fornication - Matthew 5:32 (g4202) - fawr'nuh-KAY-shuhn, not fawr'nuh-fuh-KAY-shuhn] * [ forswear] * [ (make false vows, swear falsely, take false oaths in some Bibles) - ("swear without performing" in NW) - Matthew 5:33 AS, DRB, KJ (g1964) - fawr-SWAR, fohr-, -SWEHR] * [ Fortunatus - Fortuna'tus - 1 Corinthians 16:17 (g5415) - for'chuh-NAY-tuhs] * [ Forum] * [ (market, market place, market-place, marketplace, market square, public square in some Bibles) - ("marketplace" in NW) - Acts 16:19 ftn. (g2962) - KOO-ree-os ] *. } That's one way I think this audio Bible pronunciation site can be good for you. or "How do I pronounce?" in NW) - 1 Corinthians 16:22 KJ (g331 + g3134) - uh-NATH-uh-muh mar'uh-NATH-uh] * [ Anathoth - An'athoth - Jeremiah 1:1 (h6068) - AN-uh-thoth] * [ Anatolia* - - g92 1/8 7 - a'nuh-TOH-lee-uh, -TOHL-yuh] * [ Andronicus - Andron'icus - Romans 16:7 (g408) - an-DRON-uh-kuhs] * [ angel - angel - Genesis 22:11 (h4397); Matthew 1:20 (g32) - AYN-juhl] * [ animism* - - sh 23 - AN-uh-miz'uhm] * [ ankh*] * [ (aka crux ansata) - - w68 2/1 95 - ANGK, AHNGK] * [ Annas - An'nas - Luke 3:2 (g452) - AN-uhs, not AY-nuhs] * [ Anshan* - - dp 149; it "Cyrus" - ahn-shahn] * [ antagonist - antagonist - Isaiah 50:8 (h1167) - an-TAG-uh-nist] * [ antediluvian*] * [ (compare postdiluvian) - - w95 3/15 20 - an'tih-duh-LOO-vee-uhn, an'tee-dih-, -di (')-] * [ anthropomorphic* - - g81 4/22 16 - at(t)'thruh-puh-MOR-fik] * [ Antigonus, Gonatas* - - dp 215 - an-TIG-uh-nuhs, goh-NAY-tuhs] * [ Anti-Lebanon - Anti-Leb'anon - Song of Solomon 4:8 (h549) - an'tee-LEB-uh-nuhn] * [ antilegomena*] * [ (opposed to homologoumena) - - - AN-tih-lee-gom'ee-na, an'tih-lee-GOM-eh-nah, an'tih-luh-GOM-uh-nuh] * [ Antioch - Antioch, it An'tioch - Acts 11:26 (g490) - AN-tee-ok] * [ Antiochus Epiphanes* - - dp 13; 1 Maccabees 1:10 - an-TI -uh-kuhs, ayn-, ee-PIF-uh-neez] * [ Antipas - An'tipas - Revelation 2:13 (g493) - AN-tee-puhs, AN-tih-puhs, AN-tih-pas' (listen)] * [ Antipater* - - it "Antipas" - an-TIP-uh-tuhr, not an'tuh-PAY-tuhr] * [ Antipatris - Antip'atris - Acts 23:31 (g494) - an-TIP-uh-tris] * [ antithesis*] * [ (pl. 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kjv bible with pronunciation guide